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Hotfix for Apple Push Notification Service Certificate in DualShield


This hotfix is to update the Apple Push Notification Service certificate used for Out of Band Authentication (OOBA) in DualShield.

The certificate used in the Apple Push Notification Service is due to expire on July 7, 2015. This certificate must be updated before July 7, 2015, otherwise the Out of Band Authentication will cease to work.


Download the hotfix file below and copy the hotfix file to the machine where DualShield server is installed, then execute it. If you have multiple instances of DualShield servers, then you need to update every instance of your DualShield server.

This update works for all versions of DualShield. The only change that this update will make to your DualShield server is to replace the old Apple Push Notification Service Certificate with a new one. Therefore, it is regarded to be a very simple update.


Please note that your DualShield service will be stopped and re-started during the update process. The interruption should be very brief, but we would advise you to carry out this update after hours to avoid any interruption to your normal operation.